Always interested in discussions on the nature of the Fall which I feel is relevant to almost any theological discussion regarding to the work of Christ and "Cur Deus Homo." Regarding artwork, while in Florence, I stood in awe at Masaccio's "Expulsion from the Garden of Eden" in the Brancacci Chapel. Captures everything even if its a myth.
Ok so, off topic, but as I’m watching I noticed in your background what looks to be a book like The Anglican Office book and it’s got me wondering which direction you’ve found yourself going as far as prayer books these days. I find myself teetering back-and-forth between prayer books a lot. I will use the Anglican office book but somehow or other I’m always drawn back to the simple Jordanville prayer book. Have you found an Orthodox prayer book that fills the space the that the BCP has held for you?
I still pray the Offices in the AOB, but supplement it with two Orthodox prayer manuals and the Anthologion. But, given that Western Rite Orthodoxy happily uses an adapted BCP and other Anglican sources, I feel no qualms doing likewise. The AOB is, in my opinion, perfectly adaptable to Orthodox use.
That was very thought-provoking, thank you, gentlemen.
I can’t say enough how enjoyable and encouraging it was to listen to this. Bless you bless you bless you.
Always interested in discussions on the nature of the Fall which I feel is relevant to almost any theological discussion regarding to the work of Christ and "Cur Deus Homo." Regarding artwork, while in Florence, I stood in awe at Masaccio's "Expulsion from the Garden of Eden" in the Brancacci Chapel. Captures everything even if its a myth.
Ok so, off topic, but as I’m watching I noticed in your background what looks to be a book like The Anglican Office book and it’s got me wondering which direction you’ve found yourself going as far as prayer books these days. I find myself teetering back-and-forth between prayer books a lot. I will use the Anglican office book but somehow or other I’m always drawn back to the simple Jordanville prayer book. Have you found an Orthodox prayer book that fills the space the that the BCP has held for you?
I still pray the Offices in the AOB, but supplement it with two Orthodox prayer manuals and the Anthologion. But, given that Western Rite Orthodoxy happily uses an adapted BCP and other Anglican sources, I feel no qualms doing likewise. The AOB is, in my opinion, perfectly adaptable to Orthodox use.
No need to be Greek to be Orthodox.
Agreed. Thanks for the reply :) Blessed New Year to you and yours.
Thanks for joining the conversation and for (in my estimation) providing some alternative ideas and points along the way.
It was a delight. Thank you!