Stumbled over Needleman in a footnote in The Matter with Things. McGilchrist I stumbled over reading Maggie Ross

Thanks Addison for this post which I stumbled over searching back through your feed for the Tao of Mary video which has been invaluable in some of my own Spiritual Direction work

There are many stones along the path

Where I come from we built them into cairns to help others find the path

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Fr. Hart,

This is unrelated, but as you know what you're talking about—for an Eastern (Chalcedonian) Christian like myself, do you have any recommended resources on the Jesus Prayer?

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There are, of course, dozens -- if not hundreds -- of helpful texts on using the Jesus Prayer. Everyone knows about "The Way of the Pilgrim," which is an inspiring work, but I would never recommend his style of counting the number of times one prays it. My own recommended texts are Irénée Hausherr's "The Name of Jesus"; either the fourth volume of The Philokalia or else "Writings From the Philokalia on Prayer of the Heart" (trans. by E. Kadloubovsky and G. E. H. Palmer); the pertinent sections in Tomas Spidlik's "The Spirituality of the Christian East"; and Archimandrite Sophrony's "On Prayer."

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Thanks, as always, for the info. Needleman was indeed very influential, not least as an editor. So, a couple of omissions from your bibliography, I think. One, The Sword of Gnosis, an anthology that was, for many of us, our first exposure to the "Traditionalist" school (Guenon, Schuon, et al). Two, Gurdjieff: Essays and Reflections on the Man and his Teaching, another anthology; this one reflecting a long and serious involvement which, for better or worse, lent the "Gurdjieff Work" so much credibility.

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