
Since I was asked why I don't offer this free of charge, all I can do is repeat what I said above, which I hope will answer the question: "I have opted for the paid subscription norm, but I’m charging less than Substack asks. (And, if anyone really can’t afford a subscription, please don’t hesitate to let me know that — email me at addhart@yahoo.com.) My two reasons for choosing the payment option are these: first and most obviously, I’m doing this project in lieu of writing a book, and writing is my source of income; second, I don’t want trolls on the page or disputes of any kind. The payment option reduces the chances of the latter occurring."

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

I'm in. As a novice on the spiritual/religious realms, I look forward to more pragmatic discussions on these topics. Good luck with your new endeavour.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

I can't think of a better time than Advent to join a group exploring the contemplative life. And as long as the weight is on the Pragmatic side, I can walk with the Mystic.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

Not to jump to the obvious frame of reference, but I think there's more spirituality in David's work then is credited, and more philosophy in your work than you'll take credit for, but together it's likely to be a perfect blend. I've reached the limits of my ability for and interest in theology, and am cherishing the pragmatic. Happy to pay for a subscription.

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Dec 11, 2022Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

I'm very much looking forward to this. I'm about to start studying theology through the Church of Ireland (Anglican) in January, and while I enjoy the subject (almost) as much as the next theology nerd it ends up getting wearisome and even depressing if the pragmatic and the mystical are missing. Food science is interesting but you can't beat just eating the damn meal!

Best of luck with the project!

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

As a fellow Anglican, albeit from the other side of the larger pond, I look forward to reading your further posts. I must also say that I particularly enjoyed 'The Yoke of Jesus'.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

"My own efforts will be put into keeping things as simple as I can make them, without using too much “impressive” jargon, aiming to render ideas clear and — as the title suggests — concentrated on the pragmatic. "

You're really David Bentley Hart's brother?

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Nov 24, 2023Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

I have doubts about my ability to contribute much to dialogue, here, but would like to share that your Substack is having its intended effect on me. You weave together many elements of my own spiritual and intellectual experience - things I guess I already knew, to one extent or another - but I've desperately needed a "soul friend" to help put it all together. Each of your posts are like buried treasure, to me. As are the resources to which you often point, such as The Long Search. I'm actually allowing myself to hope that you may help me make my way back to the Bible. So as always, thank you for doing this, and thanks to David for helping talk you into it. This absolutely should be a paid Substack, and I'd happily pay for a subscription or two for those who need it.

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Dec 12, 2022·edited Dec 12, 2022Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

A wonderful new adventure. May I suggest also considering posting some of your daily offerings given so freely on FB -- they are, in themselves, meaty referents to "matters of the Soul" that infuse all of your reflections and considerations. Having them separated out from the kitty-videos and photos of peoples' food arrangements gives them the respect that they deserve, and fills out the "curated" experience of meeting your reflections -- even when they are the reflections of "others," and not necessarily "original", they do often contain your several-line riff at the outset which gives the reader YOUR spiritual take on a classic, on a new view, on some ancient text -- while the "body" of the post might contain others' thoughts, when married with your own, they have an originality that would be worth curating in this own gallery. (I sometimes need to go back to find something you have posted, when time appears more generously, and I need to scroll through all of FB to get to it -- having things here can act like an archive of your very, very original "riffs" on things we may have read and considered before, in other stages of life, but without the benefit of your sage Eye.) Just a suggestion.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

"The Ox-Herder and the Good Shepherd" for me was a totally fascinating read. Ready for incoming transmissions on this channel....📡

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