Jun 14Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

Thank you so much for deciding to post these videos. I just watched the first one and I can’t accurately describe my feelings of gratitude—the grace of God through the Holy Spirit. Thank you Addison! May God bless you!

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And you.

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Jun 17Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

Thank you for two beautiful films. Very much looking forward to the third part.

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Jun 13Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

Thank you!

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Jun 13Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

As a matter of fact, would you consider sharing some of your thoughts on the various traditions of the faith (Anglicanism, Roman Catholicism, Eastern Orthodoxy)? Although I’m technically Catholic, I’m no sectarian. I consider myself a part of all three traditions and consider those three traditions to be Catholic in the full sense of the word.

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Yes, I should do that in a post. Thanks.

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Jun 13Liked by Addison Hodges Hart

I always loved the story of St. Seraphim. The Eastern tradition (at its best) is so rich and grows so organically

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I watched part 1.

Thank you; this man Boris is like a brother to me now.

Amazingly I had an experience much like his some 15 years ago, at the relics of Saint Matrona (so likely only a short time before what he records at the start of pt. 1). We were Canadian pilgrims two friends and I; like him I didn't know why I was there or who she was. My spiritual father had just told me, "go to Matrona," so we went.

We were 'found out' as pilgrims from afar so got pulled out of the very long line and ushered to the front.

"Go in, venerate" we were told.

We went in, crossing the threshold into the room holding her relics.

Immediately I started weeping and experienced something like a warm melting into the arms of love. A mother's love. That's what overcame me as soon as I stepped into her presence.

I had no idea even who she was! And yet felt totally and incomparably loved by her, as if nothing I did or ever could do would shake this mother's love for me.

Seeing those pink walls of that monastery in this documentary was the first time I had seen it since being there in person.

Hearing Boris's story, I feel only brotherhood with him now.

Thank you for posting this. I would likely never have watched it if you had not been the one to bring it to us this way.


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