I was watching the Fenton video and reading the comments. As you said, the ortho bros are out in force as “gatekeepers.” It reminds me a little of CS Lewis’ essay on the inner ring/circle—once you gain access to what you hold dearly or accessed in envy you want to prevent others from becoming a part of that inner circle. It always feels a bit like if the circle gets larger it loses its appeal—it’s only worth is to incite envy from outsiders. DBH’s book, Tradition and Apocalypse, is a pretty good antidote to those beliefs. Thanks again for the great post. I’ve yet to watch to Alaska video but I have time today as it’s -4 outside and too cold to do much out there.

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Thanks for the Fenton video. Pastors like that make it easier to remain Christian. So many others are eager to offer up gruesome takes on the afterlife that threaten to erode my faith in God's goodness.

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“All theology should be pastoral” is another way of saying that all theology should be mystical, i.e. something that the Spirit uses to usher us into the life of the Trinity evermore deeply through the Son into the glory of the father. The eastern church, fathers and Mark McIntosh, a fellow Episcopalian, who died a couple years ago of ALS, have shown me this as much as anyone. See Mark‘s wonderful work in general and particularly his book MYSTICAL THEOLOGY: THE INTEGRITY OF SPIRITUALITY AND THEOLOGY.

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