Considering the reference to the lobster and telephone, I was expecting a reference to Salvador Dalí’s Lobster Telephone (1938). Seriously though, glad to see further development of this discussion from SAPOM. Dewey’s materialism always turned me off, as well as American Pragmatism’s extreme distaste (and obvious misunderstanding of) theology. SAPOM book was the first time I was prepared to entertain pragmatism in service to mysticism. While I hope this substack doesn’t rule out an eventual book on the subject as well, I look forward to more, and thank you.
Good stuff, thanks. Early days, of course, but I think this might prove to be right up my alley; it's worth a subscription to find out.
Thank you, sir. Very stimulating.
Considering the reference to the lobster and telephone, I was expecting a reference to Salvador Dalí’s Lobster Telephone (1938). Seriously though, glad to see further development of this discussion from SAPOM. Dewey’s materialism always turned me off, as well as American Pragmatism’s extreme distaste (and obvious misunderstanding of) theology. SAPOM book was the first time I was prepared to entertain pragmatism in service to mysticism. While I hope this substack doesn’t rule out an eventual book on the subject as well, I look forward to more, and thank you.
I am thoroughly excited about where you will take us on this substack. I have been looking for this kind of stuff for awhile. Thank you!