Sitemap - 2024 - The Pragmatic Mystic

Three minutes on Thomas Cole and "The Voyage of Life" (video)

"A Third Testament": Malcolm Muggeridge's six-part video series, fifty years later

Prayer: what it is

Mysticism and music 10: Arvo Pärt and St. Silouan the Athonite (three videos)

The last temptation

Confucius: two cinematic treatments (free post)

Mencius and coming to know Heaven

A reflection in Paschaltide: Addendum (free post)

A reflection in Paschaltide

Mysticism and music 9: Stabat Mater in nine versions

Self, no-self, & human "complexity"

Paul and Jewish mysticism (free post)

Doing the work of remembrance

Getting "faith" wrong...

Remembering Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: two videos

The non-negotiable first commandment

The "Comment Magazine" interview (free post)

"The Monastery": forty days and forty nights in the New Mexican desert

Spiritual direction (7): "There is no health in us"

Spiritual direction (6): Watchers and watchfulness

Recommended: Raimon Pannikar (a few introductory resources)

Spiritual direction (5): Childhood, despair, and Gehenna

Recommended article: Matthew Milliner's "The Tree of India"

Spiritual direction (4): Reconstructing our faith

Free post: "Why This Text Matters": a recommended video series from the University of Chicago Divinity School

Spiritual direction (3): the conditions of the unconditional

A grab bag of items (free post)

Spiritual direction (2): love and death

Recommended: Antiquum Documentum (and a note regarding the last post on "politics & social media")

Spiritual direction (1): concerning politics & social media

David B., Robert W., and I answer a question concerning the "Hartian style"

The Gospels, part 15: The Gospel of Thomas

To you all for New Year's Day: two bits of spiritual advice...