Sitemap - 2024 - The Pragmatic Mystic

"From the desire of damnation, Good Lord deliver us": an insight from Charles Williams and T. S. Eliot

Three quick recommendations: an interview with iconographer Aidan Hart and... Annie Lennox & Peter Cook

About those drones...

Advent and Communion (part 3): "We have an altar..."

Ghost stories at Christmas: a handful of recommendations

Advent and Communion (part 2): "Of thy mystic supper, O Son of God..."

Mysticism and music 13: Benjamin Britten's "Saint Nicolas" cantata

Advent and Communion (part 1): "Love bade me welcome"

The significance of Mary

Four saints in four videos

The most crucial choice

Metropolitan Kallistos Ware on prayer, The Philokalia, Christian unity and other subjects

Post-election epistle: Why Izaak Walton's "The Compleat Angler" is a balm for the soul

Thoughts on Joseph Campbell (short video interview)

A word from St. Augustine on election day

Mysticism and music 12: Healey Willan, Anglo-Catholic composer

Dom Cuthbert Butler's six characteristics of "Western Mysticism"

An autumn meditation: death, ghosts, and contemplation

"Warriors of God" by Walter Nigg (a new "old" book from Angelico Press)

Dr. Milliner & the ghost of Teilhard: recommended reading

"The Art of Eternity": a three-part BBC documentary with Andrew Graham-Dixon

Time, eternity, the creation, and prayer

Mysticism and music 11: Music for St. Francis of Assisi (free post)

"The Three Methods of Prayer" (part 2 of 2)

"The Three Methods of Prayer" (part 1 of 2)

Two uncut video interviews

Re-post: Pragmatism, dogmatism, and dogma

Sentiments abstractly Christian

Re-post: The Bible: what it is

The Christian concept of dispassionate love (an audio recording)

Notes toward a pragmatic "Perennial Philosophy" (part 4): Honey and salt

Two recommended videos: Erik Varden on chastity, Bernard McGinn on St. Bernard

Notes toward a pragmatic "Perennial Philosophy" (part 3): A modest proposal

Notes toward a pragmatic "Perennial Philosophy" (part 2): Not just fruits, but roots, too

Notes toward a pragmatic "Perennial Philosophy" (part 1): The conscience of Arjuna

New documentary: "The Spirit and the Text: Assessing Biblical Inerrancy" (free post)

Prelude to forthcoming posts (also: the Orthodox catechumenate and two videos)

Recommended viewing on YouTube: "Monsignor Quixote" (1987) and "The Best of Friends" (1991)

Apostle Paul (2): opposing bodies

Apostle Paul (1): his "worlds"

Politics and the passions: Addendum (free post)

Politics and the passions

Some notices about forthcoming books

Nature, God, and us

Beyond "monism" and "dualism"; beyond "spiritual" and "fleshly"

Peter Brook's "The Mahābhārata" (1989)

Beyond "religion" and "spirituality"

The Holy Spirit: two-thirds of a Russian documentary

"Remaining Christian": an eight-minute video (free post)

A dead end in meditation

Recommended book and lecture: "Christ the Eternal Tao"

Force, violence, and the kingdom

Between presumption and disobedience: Gregory's dilemma

Two recommended lectures (free post)

Athanasius, the Logos, and salvation through the senses

When we come to the fork in the road

St. Anthony's "madness"

Three minutes on Thomas Cole and "The Voyage of Life" (video)

"A Third Testament": Malcolm Muggeridge's six-part video series, fifty years later

Prayer: what it is

Mysticism and music 10: Arvo Pärt and St. Silouan the Athonite (three videos)

The last temptation

Confucius: two cinematic treatments (free post)

Mencius and coming to know Heaven

A reflection in Paschaltide: Addendum (free post)

A reflection in Paschaltide

Mysticism and music 9: Stabat Mater in nine versions

Self, no-self, & human "complexity"

Paul and Jewish mysticism (free post)

Doing the work of remembrance

Getting "faith" wrong...

Remembering Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel: two videos

The non-negotiable first commandment

The "Comment Magazine" interview (free post)

Spiritual direction (7): "There is no health in us"

Spiritual direction (6): Watchers and watchfulness

Spiritual direction (5): Childhood, despair, and Gehenna

Recommended article: Matthew Milliner's "The Tree of India"

Spiritual direction (4): Reconstructing our faith

Free post: "Why This Text Matters": a recommended video series from the University of Chicago Divinity School

Spiritual direction (3): the conditions of the unconditional

A grab bag of items (free post)

Spiritual direction (2): love and death

Recommended: Antiquum Documentum (and a note regarding the last post on "politics & social media")

Spiritual direction (1): concerning politics & social media

David B., Robert W., and I answer a question concerning the "Hartian style"

The Gospels, part 15: The Gospel of Thomas

To you all for New Year's Day: two bits of spiritual advice...